Alhamdulillah Terimakasih Doanya :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How to fix counter strike lag while playing with bots.

It seems my laptop os struggling to play counter strike source. i have only tried to play with bots. My laptop is 2.30 ghz core i3, 2 gig ram, ATI RAdeon HD 7610 and seems to easily fit system requirments needed for source. But wheneever I play with bots it is very lag and not playable. So freak when I played with bots very smooth on my other laptop has only dual core and Intel mobile 4 video card inside.

I have tried to search entire google, forum and website game but can't find what I need. Then I tried to search with other language. Finally I got it.

It is very simple to fixing bots lag. It is seems my laptop doesn't support old game configuration or something else but I sure the problem is configuration. Well, here how to fix bots lag on counter strike source:

1. Backup your original autoexec.cfg in "C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg\"
2. Rename autoexec.cfg to autoexec.cfg.old
3. Download File autoexec.cfg here on mediafire
4. Copy your new autoexec.cfg to folder "C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg\"
5, Now Lets start the game and enjoy it :)

Any question? Please comment below

Thursday, May 1, 2014

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 Sudah lama sekali saya tidak lagi aktif dalam dunia blogging karena saya dalam 6 bulan terakhir sudah mulai disibukkan dengan tugas kuliah di sekolah kedinasan.

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